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Old 29-07-24, 12:32 AM
peter dowdle peter dowdle is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: woodhouse australia
Posts: 260
Default Turn Indicator Stalk Replacement most V8cars ?

I thought I would pass on my experience of replacing the indicator stalk on my 411 Mk2 which had fallen apart from old age.The original unit had left and right turn , horn and head light flashing functions but no high or low beam headlights ( which worked on a foot button ).

I was unable to find an exact replasement unit but found and installed an almost exactly the same unit from a Mini Moke (and I guess many other BMC cars).

To fit this unit involved cutting the plugs off my old unit and the new unit and soldering the old plug to the new Mini stalk. The colour codes of the 2 switches were the same and all worked well.

What I was left with was 2 spare wires for the head light dip
function.I decided I would update my car by removing the dip switch from the floor and running 2 wires from the floor up to the stalk which was an easy task.
There are 3 wires on the floor button, a power in wire from the headlight switch , a low beam wire (red and blue) and a high beam wire ( blue and white ). You only need the power in and the low bean wires running these up to the stalk as the high beam current is sent to the headlights via the curcuit used for the headlight flashers.

Regards Peter Dowdle
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