Yup another question..........
Afternoon everyone,
Firstly a huge thanks to Giles from this forum who sourced me a centre emblem for a 407, thank you.
But as the title says I have another question,
On the rear lever arms on the 407 there are tapered top hat rubber bushes that have a steel sleeve in the centre,
Unsurprisingly the bushes from this vehicle are shot so need replacing,
I know I could talk to Graham but I’m trying to match all the bushes to urethane if I can, I have sorted most bushes front and rear but these are foxing me at the moment,
I have even managed to find replacements for the watts linkage and the axle upper support bar, which was tricky,
now I also now not everyone is in favour of urethane bushes but If possible I always get mine from superflex, and have not had a problem with their bushes in 30 plus years,
So does anyone know if these bushes cross over to anything else? Or know an original part number?
Many thanks