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Old 09-12-24, 03:39 PM
Nick Challacombe Nick Challacombe is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK
Posts: 281
Default Inspection lamp socket

Hi, I have a 407 which has a trickle charger Bakelite socket mounted on the RH valence and mentioned in the workshop manual for the 407 and early 408.
It is protected by a 60 amp fuse along with the Cigar lighter, interior light, Horns, Radio, Clock and Headlamp flasher.

It also has a 15ampBakelite socket on the LH valence which I was informed to power a sump heater in the days we had winters. As this is not specifically mentioned in the Workshop Manual I can only presume like the Radio it was an extra.

I have used the trickle charger socket with an ordinary household lamp plug, even though my eco house is only 6 years old all our table lights and standard lamps are fitted with the 2amp socket mentioned and fitted with the readily available 2amp plug. Available from £1.36 plus £1.07 delivery from Kenable, from or 5 for £12.10 inc delivery from Amazon.
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