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Old 01-01-25, 06:18 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is online now
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

Group Harrington were the company that were making the stainless steel bumpers you were probably thinking about and they still make sets of bumpers for the 401/403, 406, 411's and 603 but not the 405. I did speak to them about the latter some years ago when they started selling them direct again but they were not interested in doing any additional Bristols as they were still smarting a bit from the previous arrangements with a former uk supplier. That was some years ago so it might be worth trying them again. They would need a set to copy. Quality of their products are excellent I have a set of the blades and over riders ready for my 401 if it ever gets painted and I'll be fitting a set of their bumpers on a 603 fairly soon. I have them on an S2 and R Type Bentley as well.
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