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Old 03-07-09, 01:22 PM
HughMiller HughMiller is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 23

Yes, I would be happy to sell the wheel, once Myrtle have finished with it (though maybe they don't need it - see Peter's post). It is the early type, which I think goes on the same column/splines (I haven't tried it on my car, but I could do that to check) as the later slide-up-and-down-with-three-places-for-the-securing-bolt type, and it will need the clamp as well, which I haven't got, though it shouldn't be difficult to make something to do the job.
All that may make no sense if you haven't seen the two types of hub (it didn't to me, until I saw the wheel and saw how it differed from mine), but I can put some photos on Flikr to make it clearer. Of course, someone like Brian May may have more of a choice.
I do have most of the rolling chassis of a 401, which I've used as a backup source of parts for my 403, which might have some useful parts for you if you're stuck - though it doesn't have any of the bits you list as stolen - again, going through the discussions here will probably help you find better sources of bits.
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