Thanks to all those who replied.
As it turned out, I got there on Friday afternoon to find the factory closed
- they don't work on Friday afternoons apparently.
Not long after my visit a power steering hose burst on my Beaufighter - all
the full lock work in a multi-storey car park finished it off I think. This
made it rather a shame the factory wasn't open!
It's a pity that the original offices are no longer in existence. I would
have liked a photo of my car in the place so many publicity photos were
taken. I'd like to think it was progress, but replacement by a row of shops
doesn't sound like progress to me.
The best view of the factory that I could find is on Microsoft (aka Bing)
&style=h&lvl=17&tilt=-39.8228919304618&dir=88.6377400339028&alt=907.4128 9945
95158678623&phscl=6.95703125&where1=BS34%205TB&enc Type=1
It takes a little while to load but is much better than Google Earth for
this area. The blue gates to the lower left of the picture form the main
entrance and have a small sign next to them saying 'Bristol Cars'.