Thread: LJK Setright
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Old 13-10-09, 06:58 PM
Ashley James Ashley James is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Nr. Stroud, Glos
Posts: 141

Under a picture of a Rolls-Royce:
The best of Bristish? Barker coachwork on Rolls-Royce chassis was no worse, no more opulent or irrelevant, than that of other famous London Coachbuilders. It revealed the British as a nation almost as immune as the Swiss to the real joys of motoring. A quote from LJKS, very funny and not very accurate because they also made bodies for some of our most sporting and excellent cars.

Setright's comment might have been said by Clarkson who probably talks the most amusing rubbish on the £4.6 Billion a year BBC. After two other excellent programs; East Enders and Strictly Come Dancing, Top Gear is the BBC's most popular and the one that earns them the most money overseas, which is good because otherwise we'd be forced to pay even more for that smug narcissistic hegemony.(I have an excellent article from the Times to back that statement)

Trust you to pick on me again Philippa and insult my favourite BBC program. Last time you said the 400 was ugly from the front!

Clarkson is a God if only because Polly Toynbee hates him and he hates Billy Oddy. I haven't insulted the other two top programs and I don't think you should either if you haven't watched them. Sorry I've relented. Didn't an American senator once say that no one ever went broke by underestimating the tastes of the general public. Sadly in this instance they might. The BBC's blatantly populist, regardless of expense competition with the commercial channels has cost them dear.

If a copy of the Stroud News and Journal appears in this house it is immediately transferred to the underside of either the 400 or more particularly the Bentley because it's One-Shot is the most incontinent.
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