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Old 19-10-09, 01:12 PM
RGSchmitt RGSchmitt is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Burbank, California
Posts: 135
Default 100A engine and non leaded petrol

Hello Peter K -

This has been a popular and mostly ill-informed topic on US car
forums for more than 10 years. I suggest an initial question should
be: Why was "lead" added to gasoline?

A good and concise answer can be found on under "Lead".

Current gasoline sold in the US matches the octane ratings of most
50s and 60s available gasoline, except the highest 95+
octanes. Ignition advance can be adjusted on most engines to avoid
detonation. I've never had any problems with my Imperial (Chrysler)
440 with a nominal 10.5/1 compression ratio.

The second feature of using lead was valve-seat "lubrication",
delaying seat recession, usually caused by high RPM use over
prolonged periods. This varies because of valve seat material and
design on any engine series/family. Many owners with
high-performance engines in the US specify hardened valve seats
during a rebuild, if that was not the original standard. Verified
reports of recession, however, are fairly rare.

Sorry I don't know much specific about Bristol engines, but the above
factors should apply to all gas/petrol engines.

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