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Old 09-11-09, 04:27 PM
Sam410 Sam410 is online now
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Originally Posted by Kevin Howard View Post
Mine is an original tank. I've had it out of the car and peered inside too and the baffles run front to back. The time when I really hear the fuel sloshing around is when I stop, so the baffles wouldn't stop that fuel movement (they would only reduce sideways movement).

I should emphasise the point that all of the horse hair insulation has been removed from my car and I haven't gotten around to replacing it yet. Maybe I should do that first and see if I can still hear it before I go to the expense of trying to deaden the sound!
I hear the sloshing in the 410 too, and mine still has it's hairy bits, so to speak, so I'm not sure how much it will help you.
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