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Old 04-02-10, 03:54 PM
geo geo is offline
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Posts: 107

Originally Posted by Kevin Howard View Post
I finally received my copy of this book from Amazon (USA) today. I suppose it's justifiable that those us paying only $US39.66 should get theirs last.
Not only did mine arrive quickly from before Christmas, but one I ordered the other day as a present for a friend came, post free, the following day.

Originally Posted by Kevin Howard View Post
The title is different to what I ordered but I won't quibble about that!
I think that I posted back in Sept./Oct. that Haynes were quoting it under its current title — it obviously changed between my conversations with Balfour and it going into production.

Originally Posted by Kevin Howard View Post
It is a mystery to me why Amazon are selling it so cheaply - I would have happily paid the full £50 cover price.
Such is the power of Amazon though: I get a discount from Haynes (direct) and this special price for authors and shareholders would still have been above that of Amazon.

Originally Posted by Kevin Howard View Post
Even if you already have every other book ever printed about Bristols this new one is still well worth buying!
I agree and am very glad that I pulled the plug on the one I had been commissioned to write as Balfour has done a magnificent job and his approach is the one such a topic required. Congratulations also should go to Haynes in realizing that this was the type of volume that was required for Bristol (I failed to convince a rival publisher about this type of format).

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