Thread: New 403 owner
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Old 15-02-10, 01:23 AM
Rocket Roller Rocket Roller is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Monte-Estoril, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Posts: 17
Default New member light green Bristol 403 reg. no. UPL 566

Hi all,

My name is Joseph, from Monte Estoril, Lisbon area in Portugal.
For many years that I was trying to buy a decent left hand drive 403, for a decent price. LHD Bristols don't hang on trees, so after turning down some good LHD 401's, I finally purchased the RHD light green Bristol 403 from Steven de'Ath.
My first step was to join BOC as a clubmember by the end of last year, and trying to find out what was important about choosing the right car.
Jaap Koopmans from the Netherlands has been of great help, via email and telephone.
I am still wating for the fittment of an overdrive in the UK, and hope to get the car here in a couple of weeks or so.
I intend to change it's color into a much darker shade of green.
Also the headlamps must be changed into continental type right dip. I am trying to find a pair of Lucas PF770 complete, in order to substitue the previous smaller ones. The PF770 just look glorious on these cars... Any clues where to find them? I just enquired Holden Vintage & Classic.
De'Ath's car has lots of improvements, although non-standard, they are great: 405 engine and gearbox, for example.
Recently I had the chancd to meet a 90 years old gentleman from Portugal, who owned a 403 back in the 1950's. Ill try to send a picture.

Yours for longer engine roars,
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