Thread: New 403 owner
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Old 15-02-10, 01:35 AM
Rocket Roller Rocket Roller is offline
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Location: Monte-Estoril, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
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Default Old Bristol 403 in Portugal (March 1956)

Hi all,

Here is the picture of Mr. Joaquim de Vilhena, returning from the Switzerland to Lisbon in March 1956, with his Bristol 403.

This car has been scrapped many years later by next owner.

Picture has been taken at Parador EL CID in Burgos, northern Spain. On the roof of the car there were the skys, and next there was a Mercedes 220S Ponton with those lovely export german oval plates...

I wonder about those chormed "bezel" protections on the underside of the rear mudguards. I never saw any of those on a 2 litre Bristol before. Should it be original? He says they came with the car when he bought it new, and never putted any extras on the car. He was very positive, for he told me he hated tose kind of "boy racer" improvements.

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File Type: jpg Bristol 403 Joaquim de Vilhena em 1956 JPEG.jpg (102.5 KB, 100 views)
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