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Old 25-02-10, 06:31 PM
browning l browning l is offline
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Posts: 220

Originally Posted by ozy View Post
Well, well, quite a lot of work went into that 71 page presentation and its pity some smug ex salesman has decided to look down his nose and savage it.

As for Lansdownplace's subtle rebuke against your original snide commentry, well, I am not so subtle! I ask you - 'ad hominem' ...................... words fail me................ why not stop playing the 'four fingered pink oboe player' and defend your argument rather than attempting to scorn Lansdownplace with such a quaint facile device as 'ad hominem'

As a response to my posting, I look forward to a huff of sanctimonious outrage from you in due course.

Disgustedly yours.

Dear Disgustedly,

Your post - "to scorn Lansdownplace with such a quaint facile device as 'ad hominem' " reveals your ability to comprehend; my ad hominem remark was directed, not at Lansdownplace, but at Lukehansen, who challenged my credentials based on questioning whether I had done any comparable work.

I do admire your efforts to be crude; so few are willing to attempt it, and fewer still succeed. Congratulations.