Fuel Pump in earlier V8s
Hi John,
Unless your car has been altered to an electric fuel pump, many have.
The mechanical fuel pump is located on the LH side of the engine block,
from the front.
It is a Carter M2504 S on my 407
Hand book say no maintenance is normally required ( it is mechanical).
The pump can be removed from the engine and dismantled and cleaned
the following parts will need to be renewed at re-assembly,
M.203-89S Diaphragm Assembly
M.203-46 Outlet Airdome Diaphragm
M.121-124 Flange gasket.
The Fuel filter. Moper 2084 258 should be changed every 10,000 miles.
Hope this helps, I have converted my 407 to an electric fuel pump located
under the offside wing on the
wheel arch. The filter is an in line particulate transparent filter located
under the bonnet between the
new fuel pump and the carburettor.
Nick Challacombe