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Old 29-03-10, 06:13 PM
browning l browning l is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: USA
Posts: 220

For a while I strove to align myself with Parker's advice, with the assistance of a very good Chicago wine merchant...buying his books, subscribing to the Wine Advocate, and even having the chance to meet him and have him inscribe my books.

I always loved the adage, "Life is too short to drink cheap wine."

Alas, he overestimated the life of a number of '82 Bordeaux, much to my regret.

Now, with aging (and, probably, mis-treated taste buds) I watch the younger generation go through my prior antics...I wish them better luck and longer-lived tasting.

I could have had more work done on Red, but I'm quite pleased at what I have to enjoy now.
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