footwell ventilation (help needed)
Under the centre of dash, behind the radio in my 411, there is a box through which air is distributed to the eyeball vents via ducts - the same box maybe present on other V8 Bristols as well.
The bottom of that box on my car has always been a bit mangled and today I finally got around to investigating it. Fortunately I found the the bottom of the box is detachable, after removing five screws.
I have attached a couple of photos of the bottom section of the box to this post.
I always thought that someone had opened up the bottom of the box to allow air into the footwells, but having now removed this section I'm not so sure. In fact I suspect someone might have been trying to do the opposite. That said, I don't even know if it is original.
I would dearly like see a photo of what is there on other 411s, or failing that, on other V8 Bristols.