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Old 23-07-10, 10:01 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468
Default Knocking Mr Crook......

I totally agree with these sentiments. If it was not for Mr Crooks single minded determination to put a huge amount of personal effort and. financial resources into a company and product he obviously loved and thought the world of a lot of us would not be having this debate and exchange of views now.
I know from talking to Mr Crook at length some ten or eleven years ago, as a result of some bad and inaccurate advice regarding the spares situation for my 410 given to me by an officer of the BOC, that he felt very upset by the lack of support he was receiving from the club. Relationships were clearly not good then and a previous posting brought to light further information that years later things. basically had not really improved at all, to make matters worse it seems from the interview given to the German magazine Mr Herdman did not not think much of Mr Silvertons chances either!!. What I find disgraceful on reading that interview. was that he was saying in effect the company was finished and. was openly implying Mr Crook was telling lies, not the sort of thing I would have expected from any officer of the BOC talking to the press let alone one of its most senior representatives. If you look back at what the club was like 20 or 30 years ago you
will see to some extent why things are moving in the current direction, sad to say in the interim Mr Crook put a lot of resources into keeping our cars on the road only to receive a kick in the teeth from some quarters and I am sure if had had felt his position and his business was not being undermined relationships with the BOC would have been very different.
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