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Old 24-08-10, 08:19 AM
Nick Challacombe Nick Challacombe is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK
Posts: 281
Default Tyres for 407

The sole reason for running at 32 lbs per sq in was, that unlike your 411, the 407 has no power steering and the soft side walls of the Michelin X's make low speed parking and maneuvering very hard and puts a great strain on both driver and car. The soft walls also contribute to a far better ride.
I experimented with several tyre pressures for everyday running and found that 32 lbs sq in to be the best compromise.
I am so happy with the tyres after struggling when parking with the Avon Turbo speeds. The lock on the 407 is not good and parking a car 16ft 7inches
long with a turning circle of 39ft, weighing, empty of occupants and fuel, some 32 cwt in old money, was a great strain.
Also the 411 has the engine moved back from the front axle and has an aluminium gearbox.
Just thought I would mention it as the car is used for day to day practical work and not track days or racing. The odd circuit of Le Mans and Silverstone excepted that is!
Happy Bristoling,
Nick 407 6028
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