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Old 26-10-10, 11:39 AM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 470
Default Veneer Substitute

..... Having seen it used on a Bentley Special you are absolutly right, its rather like trying to make up a dash board sourced from a number of cars all with slightly different veneer it just wont match, if you use it to cover the lot it will overcome that problem. The car I saw had it applied straight onto a metal base it looked quite good and seems quite durable re the weather, the car being run with the hood down nearly all the time, but not so good on impact abrasion damage.
A section had to be re done after a surface cut, It is used quite a lot on modern cars but may not look right on cars of the 400 to 405 period which often had a plain wood finish.
Europa specialist spares stock it, or did when I last looked
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