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Old 27-10-10, 06:29 PM
Hydroglen Hydroglen is offline
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Posts: 131
Default Dear Kevin

Well Claude,
Perhaps much of this could have ben avoided. Too may people rushing to
defend Bristol....had you chipped in with your hubcap story and such like,
Eric would have realized that he was not alone, and perhaps this was just
the way it is. Grin and move on.
Your international or national theme was infact followed LOL.
Eric is in Belgium, a quasi central location in Europe. So he used the
British side and did his quivering lip bit with mail and meetings....then
passed on to the Italian (Latin) side and told everybody of his woes. On his
way home from Italy he cut through the German side and may be planning a
You see Claude, it was all as you thought.
I agree the internet can be fun!