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Old 29-10-10, 02:09 PM
lansdownplace lansdownplace is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 183
Default Unhappy postings

Eric, if you can afford an Arnolt, you can afford a lawyer, and I would especially recommend one before setting off on a vindictive campaign. I have tried helping you avoid these pitfalls (for free) however there seems little point

Your quote comes up on google translate as "The bourgeois are like pigs - The more things get old, it becomes more con" Clearly this makes no sense in a literal English translation, and neatly illustrates the problems that can arise from a language barrier. What you may understand in French is not what I read in English. And vice versa. If I were being charitable I would say you just don't understand what you are saying in English.

I have pointed out that you have every right to make a claim, and there is a proper forum in which to do it, which is not the internet. In fact, everyone is telling you the same thing. You are clearly a very intelligent man or else you would not be where you are, however as we Irish would say 'you have lost your head altogether'. I would get this thread deleted as well, take a few days out to reflect on things and then come back to it.
