Thread: new 407 owner
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Old 18-11-10, 01:50 PM
Nick Challacombe Nick Challacombe is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK
Posts: 281
Default new 407 owner

I have had a 407 since 1999 and it ran just like yours at first.

If Brian Marelli at Bristol cars has not got a set then,
Martin Barns at ACCS 02072789786 of 57/65 Randell's Road London N1 0DH stock
almost every thing for the V8 engines,.

The choke works by a bi metal spring sunk into the drivers side of the inlet
manifold. This often fails, sometimes it can be adjusted.

Copies of workshop manuals are available from the club. I run my car on
Shell Optimax and it gives good MPG but you must time it to that as it is
only 98/99 octane and the car was run new on 5 star 101 octane.

Contact me for other info, there is plenty on the web site of the BOC as
well as this one.


(never a senior member Greg)
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