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Old 20-11-10, 12:46 PM
Eric Brumenil Eric Brumenil is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Belgium
Posts: 44

Why should I agree to buy a faulty cylinder head gasket ?
I ordered and paid it to a company that claim to have 65 years of experience !
Of course I have NOT been informed about the problem
and more serious , they didn't know about this problem .
As previously written , dozens of cars have this gasket installed and I am the only one to complaint ( as always )
In case I had been informed , I would NEVER accept to buy a faulty goods or a goods that needs to be punched for the simple reason that when you touch it , for sure the supplier will make you immediately responsible of the problem and the loss of warranty .

I have never asked for faulty goods or cheap goods when .
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