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Old 01-01-11, 08:05 PM
Claude Claude is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 154
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Originally Posted by caspian pugh View Post

Clawed by Claude. At least my billet doux has prompted you to put electronic pen to electronic paper n'est pas?

And there's me thinking I had posted on the Bristol Cars Owners & Enthusiasts Forum.

But Claude, it is so lovely to hear from you, my Willie was only just asking, what ever happened to that Bristol Cars e-book you were so keen on, will it be proudly unveiled in 2011 or just another dead duck of a pipedream?

Whatever, I must remonstrate with you in the strongest possible terms. Your crotchety waspish rebuke is no way to start the 2011 posting season unless you are suffering extreme prurient itching caused by transfer pediculous infestation from a wandering marsupial - and even so that would still be bad form. Better that you perhaps respond to one of my two technical queries posted here for which to date I have had no replies................

Cass x
Dear Cass,

The query on my part was sincere. I subscribe to the 8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars forum because I own one and value the information members give and find sometimes my knowledge is useful as well. When a question on a windscreen leak rambled off to what seems to be a private conversation on whiskey and Wille I first presumed it was spam, then reading the header, wondered if some intermediate BEEF emails had gone AWOL and I missed the link. Looking more carefully, I ended up baffled, so I asked.

It appears from your answer that indeed you are a member of the forum with a Dame Edna writing style and that perhaps you have read more into my correspondence than was written. I still seem to be missing the link between Geoffrey and Lou Lou but that's OK, it adds to the mystery of life.

In answer to your question, the idea of combining Bristol knowledge into a permanent archive seems to have been taken up by BODA, not from my proposal but rather their own frustration with the BOC not pursuing such an obvious club duty. I had proposed an actual printed book using print on demand that can be updated as knowledge is added, but there was insufficient enthusiasm to merit going further. Perhaps BODA might consider such a project.

What technical questions did you ask that remain unanswered? I find this forum has an excellent record of providing good answers. Perhaps you should re-ask.

Thank you for your good wishes in the New Year. It has begun glorious with warm, sunny days, and yesterday my wife decided we should celebrate with a classic down-under barbie, which is a slight problem since we don't have one. But we did have bored house guests and enough scrap steel in the workshop to fashion one in a couple of hours of cutting and welding, and the steaks, sausages and veggies were great. Now if only I can get the house guests interested in bolting back the crosslinks on the 411... but I digress.

As a geographical footnote, no marsupials here, mate. Wrong island, try Aussie, about 1,500 miles to the left as the petrel flies.
