Thread: Tubeless tyres
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Old 21-01-11, 07:23 PM
peterg peterg is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 262
Default Tubeless tyres

I'm finally taking the plunge and replacing the 30 year old cross plies. I thoroughly enjoyed the progressive slip they gave but not the tramlining and deminishing tread.

I'm getting Michelin taxi tyres unless anyone can persuade me that KingPin remoulds are a better buy.

My questions are:

Does anyone run their 401/3 wheels tubeless? On several other car forums the contributors say that they run tubeless tyres on 'standard' rims without problems whereas the official line is that the rim should have a safety shoulder to prevent the tyre edge from breaking away from the rim.

Can anyone tell me the size of the valve hole on the wheel? My car is 30 odd miles away so I cannot easily check it, and can anyone advise on tyre pressures to use. I was running the cross plies at 30 lb all round.

Oh, and will a taxi tyred wheel fit in the spare wheel tray?

That's it for now. Regards, Peter
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