Thread: Brabazon
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Old 29-10-08, 04:19 PM
giaberto giaberto is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 5

Dear all,

thank you for the clinic test. At least it seems this is the most animated thread on so far!

I obvioulsy accept all criticism and can agree with some but please understand that when a new design is proposed styling cues tend to be exaggerated. When cooperating with the manufacturer things usually get toned down, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. Just think about the difference between the first scale model of the Fighter and the end result.

Brabazon can appear too bulky in places but we have to accept cars are growing bigger, not only because people is getting taller and larger but also because safety elements, ancillaries and crash test requirements require larger bodyworks. Think about pedestrian crash regulations with the minimum distance from engine block to the bonnet, or the mandatory detachable front in impacts.

For the user named Potential, there is a big difference in a rendered 2D sketch as in the reported tutorial and a full 3D virtual model as the Brabazon.

For 406special, I personally do not like some of the Chris Bangle style but he definitely contributed to the big sales success of BMW.

Thanks Kevin Howard for signalling the Firefox3 problem. I completely redesigned the graphics in order for the website to be quicker and clearer to read with all browsers.

Finally, in defence of Mr. Crook I must say I arrived in 2003 well past closing time at the Kensington showroom (not even dressed as an Arab prince), he opened the door for me and my wife and we talked cars for over one hour. He was very enthusiastic about both Fighter and Blenheim, we talked about homologation problems, market for the Fighter, Ferraris, Bentleys and so on. He seemed he did not want to let us go!

So if Mr. Silverton asks for a design give him my telephone number.


Giacomo Bertolio (aka Big Coolie Motor)
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