I have not dealt with any Bristol dealers except for parts. People have told me good things about Bristol Cars and Brian May and a lot of bad stories about others, although I have not sought to verify these experiences.
The cars are the best - the right ones at the right price sell themselves.
I have nothing against this way of selling except I don't use it. To go back to the house sales analogy , I have bought and sold more than a dozen properties and never used an estate agent to sell and often agreed to deal with a seller direct for a discount with a benefit to sellar and buyer. I don't know enough about the process to suggest parasite, but I don't know where agents add value, unless you are agoraphobic and can't face meeting a buyer ! Or is it the archetypical car sales man technique that people want to employ ?
Maybe if the car is in one country and the owner is in another it makes good sense if no friends are available to help out.