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Old 27-03-11, 09:26 AM
jimfoz jimfoz is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 88

Originally Posted by The Fitter View Post
I would also like to hear T Silvertons side of the story aswell and to find out where it all went wrong. I have an idea why it went wrong, but would love to hear the truth.
I read somewhere that the Fighter development was £30m. Whatever it was, the costs of developing a new car would have been prohibitive for a company like Bristol. I never believed that they 'build slightly fewer cars than the demand dictates' and I don't think they have been building 2 or 3 cars a week for decades. Couple this with the economic downturn and you have a company that cannot possibly recoup the costs. It's a shame, as I thought that they were starting to go in the right direction with the 411 S6. They should have ditched the ugly Blenheim bodyshell and just started reproducing these.
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