Originally Posted by Thor
Don't forget that USA octanes are different from European Octanes. European Octanes are Reaearch Octane Number (RON) and USA Octanes are an average of RON and Motor Octane Number (MON) and are consequently about 5 points lower. So 91 Octane USA Gasoline is about the same as 96 Octane UK Petrol. I think what we generally called 'Unleaded' in UK is like 87 or 88 Octane in USA.
USA Gallons are only 3.79 litre, compared to Imperial Gallons at 4.55 litres.
Do Americans ever talk of pints (other than when visting a pub in UK) ?
Sure. "pint" is commonly used here. And, it doesn't mean like a "pint" on a compass, the way it does in OZ.
Probably it's most common usage now is a pint of whiskey; less common now is a pint of cream, or milk. Few markets here offer milk in sizes smaller than a quart, but cream, whipping cream, and "Half-and-half" - use your imagination - is most often bought in pints.