What is it with you boys - you claim to love the cars then all you do is run them down. If so much is wrong with them why have one???
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the Fighter have a specially developed air conditioning system, designed for the car at great cost?
It would have presumably been much easier, as other "supercars" do, to pinch theirs from cheap mass produced cars but Bristol didn't do that. They wanted to make their car smaller and lighter so they designed their own!
How can you possibly call that lazy???
When I win the lottery I am straight off to Kensington to order my new Bristol!
p.s. Also am I not right that despite other comments on the lack of "proven safety features" Bristol has an exceptional safety record despite being a high performance car.
[quote=Kevin Howard;490]I agree with you 100% Andrew.
For another example of laziness you only have to look at the air conditioning in the V8 Bristols. I don't know what they are doing today but even as late as the Blenheim 2 they were still using those ugly, inefficient "cassette" type air conditioners slung under the dash, which date back to the early 1970s. That's just a joke in a car in that price bracket.