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Old 13-05-11, 03:27 AM
Kevin H Kevin H is offline
Join Date: May 2008
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Originally Posted by GREG View Post
The people that did the test were wrong -- If they did the test again today they would find that the 603 is the best to live with for day to day driving and running costs except for maybe the Merc.
That was 30 years ago. It's not relevant to Bristol's survival today. Besides, if Bristol was confident of their product they should have arranged other, more meaningful tests with other contemporary cars at the time.

If the test was done today with equivalent current model cars, the outcome may be far worse for Bristol.

What would today's comparative cars be from Mercedes, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin and Porsche? (in the same price range as the current Blenheim), .... although why the 603 was compared with a Porsche 911 and a V8 Aston is a mystery.

Originally Posted by GREG View Post
Quite a few ex Aston owners now run a Bristol :-) Seen the light..
"Quite a few" ? exactly how many?
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