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Old 14-05-11, 05:32 AM
Kevin H Kevin H is offline
Join Date: May 2008
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Originally Posted by Markus Berzborn View Post
There are no comparative cars from these companies. A Bristol is completely different from all of them.
You could say that about almost any car in a literal sense, but it would be foolhardy or arrogant to think that your potential customers would not consider anything else.

While it might be said that some of the cars in that particular road test should not have been compared with one another, it should be pointed out that it was not a typical technical road test but more a gathering of impressions from possible potential customers - that is five people who could very likely afford to buy one.

The testers were the Marquis of Ailesbury, the Earl of Denbigh, the Earl of Cardigan, Lady Jane Hudson & Lady Bean, chosen because they were "used to such sybaritic pleasures".

It could be argued that such a test is more meaningful than a typical technical test because at the end of the day people usually buy cars like this based on their overall impression.

The best ranking the Bristol received was 3rd from Lady Bean the other results were two 4th places and two 5th places (bottom).

From the tester's comments it was clear that Bristol was already falling behind the times compared to the other manufacturers represented, and that was in 1979!
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