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Old 04-11-08, 12:56 AM
Des Des is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 56
Default Any suggestions for alternatives to a Bristol?

The 3 litre Rover suggested already, I found to make an excellent substitute
for at least the 2 litre Brizzers.
I've recently been overhauling one, to keep me occupied while I give up the
fags, and it's the first time I've been really up close to one, and many
things have surprisingly impressed me, (I'm surpressed) reminded me of my first
intimate moments with Bristols.
Set the tappets today, were left loose while running in, a right old inlet
over exhaust clusterfeck, but now the thing emulates a sewing machine, a very,
very quiet one, the distributor can actually be heard running. Now it occurs
to me that there's nothing I would want to change or modify about the Rover,
I can't say the same about the Bristol.

Best rear window opener setup I've ever seen would be late 80's 2 door
Nissan Sunny, 2 levers just behind handbrake, accessible by front or rear
occupant, operated hinged glass via cables, brilliantly simple.
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