I have been running a Merc 320 CDI Estate for quite a few years as my work horse - Turned out to be the best all round car I have ever owned and nowhere near the most expensive - never broke down or missed a beat. ( touch wood )
I would love the 320 CDI engine and box in a 411 if someone could suss out how to keep the electronics happy ! I guess you would have to move the whole loom over and then get a boffin to turn a pile of stuff off on the dreaded ECU. Anything can be done with time and money :-)
Some of the Taxi customers at my Merc dealer are over a million miles on the original engine and it's plenty powerful for me. I have even heard a few have thrown some cheap rape seed oil in over Summer
But then the purist in me is fighting to keep everything standard. I guess it would need a 411 to come up with a dead engine at a very cheap price to make it all happen -- little chance :-(