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peterg 24-02-14 09:10 PM

403 windscreen seals
Behind the windscreen is a weird drainage system consisting of a channel and box section with a drain on each side.

I'm told that there is a gasket available to seal the space but it isn't an item that Bristol cars stock. Has anyone used it on a 401/3?

My drain holes have corroded and are difficult to access. Is this seal something I should invest in?

Bristolian 25-02-14 02:36 PM

A Bristol owner that has done this work relatively recently and had to extend the drain tubes below floor level as these had perished is Bob Weafer. I will contact him to reply to your post. With regard to the packer, when I supply new windscreen rubbers I also supply a flat strip of rubber which is about 7/8in wide and 3/32in thick. The windscreens bed down on this and the seals fit on the front of this to give the cosmetic effect. Any water that gets past these two seals is taken care of with the drains. I hope this is useful. John Lawley

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