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Raymond 28-11-21 11:50 PM

Sounds like fun, Geoff. I hope my MG TC will be like that. I have uprated everything including fitting a supercharger. I just hope the darn thing can stop!

(I have a totally new braking system with Alfin drums and a servo but proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say.)

hesketh786 16-01-22 11:18 PM

3 Attachment(s)
evening all !

hope you all had a great xmas & new years !

some pics showing the 405 progress,



AndrewA 17-01-22 08:53 AM

Crikey - good for you.
I'd sort of presumed you might have tucked it away until springtime!

hesketh786 18-01-22 08:15 PM

Thanks Andrew ! I thought i might as well get as much done !

Nick Challacombe 19-01-22 04:01 PM

Stoic work on New Car again
You have indeed had a busy time but must feel good to see the progress.
Carry on young man, you are doing brilliantly.

hesketh786 27-01-22 12:12 AM

Dear Nick !

Hope you are well.

Thank you so much !

Yes, absolutely I cannot wait too see it all stripped down !

Going to be well worth it,

Thanks again

hesketh786 29-01-22 09:27 PM

3 Attachment(s)
evening all,

Hope you are all well.

Anyone working on their motors this weekend ?

A quick update from today, more sanding as always !
And even more tomorrow !
Some updated pics,



AndrewA 29-01-22 10:38 PM

Looking good - don't get that Bentley covered in too much muck!
Me still fettling Model A Special/Hot Rod and waiting for return of 410 from axle people - you seem to be making good progress - am presuming you've decided to go the Triumph route on engine front - it seems to be a relatively well worn path.....
Trust all well with you

hesketh786 29-01-22 11:07 PM

Hiya Andrew !

You are very right ! I have ordered a car cover for it so will get it covered asap !

Hows the hot-rod build coming along ? Ahh thats nice any delivery date re 410?

Thank you, every spare moment sand ! Yes either triumph or i was thinking Ford Pinto engine as they can be tuned easily to gain high HP ( relatively )

Yes all well here thank you - except for frozen fingers from sanding for hours !

Hope you a keeping well sir


AndrewA 30-01-22 12:36 AM

On the Model A the hard works done - it's MOT'd and I'm really now just fettling for fettlings sake and tackling a few "easy wins"/minor improvements.
Bristol I'm not really chasing either the car or the inevitable bill! They've asked if they can hang on to it to put a few miles on the car and there are a few minor issues on the gearbox front I'd like them to resolve so I'm just sitting quietly.
On the engine front of yours while I completely understand the pinto choice a six has to be the way to go IMHO - but it's your car!

hesketh786 01-03-22 07:56 PM

sorry for the late reply Andrew, my father was quite unwell but now is on the mend.

Amazing news Congratulations ! What are the minor improvements ?
Oh yes I can imagine it'll hurt when you see the bill but i'm sure it'll put more than a smile on your face when you are behind the wheel !

With regards to the engine i'm now thinking of the Jaguar/Daimler v8 as i think that will give me the power i'm after.

Hope you are keeping well


AndrewA 02-03-22 01:47 PM

Hope father continues to improve (insert thumbs up emoji).
Model A fettling was starter motor and alternator in the end.
Bristol latest was curing a few drafts & slightly erratic idle. I had some credit left with a parts supplier so replaced aging Edelbrock with a new one and all is much better.
It's off to rolling road next week to optimise it and then plan (barring disasters) is just to drive it for the rest of the year and save up anything else until the Winter.
We shall see.....
Admire your engine choices - but as Captain Kirk says it sounds like you may be boldly going where no man has gone before - which can be an expensive and frustrating business! The straight six is a slightly more well trodden path but no doubt not without its challenges as well.
If the Bentley is anything to go by though, whatever you decide to do I'm sure the end result will be stunning.

hesketh786 03-03-22 09:27 PM

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yes thank you he is much better now Andy !

did you manage to sort out the issue now on the A ?

Oh yes thats a great shout - whats the sort of price for a new Carb ?
Amazing i bet you cannot wait to get behind the wheel !
Indeed just enjoy any sun we get hold of !

Hahah oh yes he did absolutely - i've seen a few Bristols fitted with the v8 on my searches so will have to start drawing up some plans soon as the body is 50% sanded now !

Thank you so much - that means alot to me !

In the absence i have purchased a RR Silver Shadow - 1st owner Sir F Laker !
I have never seen a car been looked after so so well !
It has 3 fully stamped out RR Service books and 100's of receipts and photos !

Hopefully the weather be nicer than the last few days so can crack on with the Bentley !

Are you up too much this weekend ?

All the best,


AndrewA 04-03-22 09:43 AM

Model A all done for now. New Edelbrock for Bristol was £400 and came from John Woolfe Racing in Bedford.
Can't quite believe the latest purchase - it appears you're trying to corner the market in '50's/'60's/'70's luxury restoration projects.
In an effort to get this thread back on track (!), what's the plan with the 405 post sanding - does it need a lot of structural work underneath or is reasonably sound?

hesketh786 04-03-22 07:31 PM

Evening and finally the weekend !
Ahh amazing congratulations - will you be using the A regularly ?
That sounds rather reasonable at £400 right ? Thanks for the shop name also i np doubt will have to buy parts from them for the other 3 v8's.

Hehehe thank you Andy ! Just want to try and keep these beautiful machines on the road and used - the kids now a days hardly see cars like these anymore.

Post sanding and polish - i will be fitting the new floor pan as parts are missing on it as of now.
Then will get then engine in (hopefully v8 250) and restore all mechanics.
Once it starts drives and brakes ; full interior restoration - head lining, door cards, seats, dashboard
new tyres all round and then get behind the wheel of it !

I cannot wait for the next few months to come !

Are you up to much this weekend ?

hesketh786 06-03-22 07:02 PM

5 Attachment(s)
A nice day weekend only means more sanding !

A few more pics



Raymond 06-03-22 07:20 PM

Fitting the rear window seal doesn't look like an easy job?

AndrewA 06-03-22 09:24 PM

I'm getting towards the age where I'm like the Dowager Countess in Downton Abbey "What is a weekend?" the days all roll into each other!
405 look like it's coming along nicely - I'm sure the neighbours will be delighted when the sanding's finished as well!
Keep up the excellent work - it looks good in the bare ali doesn't it?

hesketh786 19-05-22 08:08 PM

good evening all !

Sorry i have not been on the forums !

had a bit of bad luck recently - had a-big accident in the 944 Turbo, and then i've had covid and just finished my isolation yesterday.

so finally got back in the sun and started sanding again !

Hope you are all keeping well !



AndrewA 20-05-22 02:22 PM

Hope you're alright - even if Porsche isn't.
Look forward to further updates in due course!
All the best

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