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Roxbyend 29-05-24 04:12 PM

Bristol 400 Starter Motor
1 Attachment(s)
I have had the starter motor original to my 400 rebuilt by a Rotherham firm. This is the long nose Lucas 35G type WG1 as illustrated in the spares manual. The actual motor is now working well but unfortunately while testing under load the castellated top of the worm drive fractured as seen in the attached photo.

To date they have been unable to source a replacement worm.

Does anyone have one of these worm drives or a redundant starter suitable for spares?


Roxby, England

flyinghorse1 29-05-24 09:57 PM

could check if anything here works

Roxbyend 30-05-24 06:24 AM

Thanks for the reply, much appreciated. I think these are later versions of the Lucas 35G family and have a different drive assembly.

David C 02-06-24 07:22 PM

Are you particularly keen to keep the original type of starter motor? I think there is a relatively readily available modern starter that will fit straight in.

Roxbyend 03-06-24 05:07 AM

Hi David C thanks for the reply. Yes, the starter is a significant part of the engine, so I am planning to fit a modern starter for regular use but to have the working Lucas starter available as an original part of the car.

However thanks to invaluable help and advice from Geoff Dowdle in Australia the problem is hopefully solved.

The answer lies in the Vauxhall Wyvern / Velox LUCAS 25014E starter which while having different mountings and end plate shares the same internals with the Bristol starter. Fortuitously one of these Vauxhall starters came up on eBay, I am awaiting delivery to see what state the drive assembly is in.

Failing that Geoff has other options available.

mlh420 25-06-24 03:40 PM

Good afternoon,

Please excuse me for jumping on this thread. I have recently replaced a faulty Powerlite starter motor with a replacement from Powerlite. However, every now and then, I press the button and hear a horrible grating noise - which I assume is the teeth not being correctly lined up with the ring wheel. Press it again and it's fine.

I am wondering if the new starter motor cog is correctly matched to the ring gear. I have been trying to find out the number of teeth on the 400 ring gear, but cannot seem to find the info. Would anyone have this info please?



Geoff Dowdle 26-06-24 10:54 AM

Mark mhl420 ,

All 6 cylinder ring gears have 108 teeth
The starter pinion has 9 teeth and it's diameter is approx 29mm

Your starter motor is possibly jamming because the ring gear is worn.

I have seen a few Lucas starters with broken nose cones due to the pinion jamming on the flywheel ring gear , especially the alloy nose cones of the later models.

Best to inspect the ring gear and if it's badly worn replace it .


mlh420 26-06-24 12:00 PM

Hi Geoff,

Thanks very much for the info - most helpful. I understand your point about the ring gear, but the grating has only started since the new starter was fitted. The old one was fine - until the motor packed up!

I will have a look and try to find out the problem.


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