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6 cyl Bristol cars Type 400 to 406 - restoration, repair, maintenance etc

New Bristol 403 owner in Portugal

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 13-03-10, 05:39 PM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Monte-Estoril, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Posts: 17
Default New Bristol 403 owner in Portugal

Dear all,

Finally I managed to buy an aparently good Bristol 403 in the UK.
The car is now being transported to Portugal in a truck, inside a container.
The car is ex-StepHen de'Ath's car, from Colchester, a 1992 DIY restoration restoration, with 15000 miles esversince.
On the restoration process at least a 403 has been used, and a derelict 405 was cannibalized: engine and gearbox, except the overdrive.
Under my request, a new J Type Laycock & De Normanville o/d has been fitted, and aslo a kilometric speedo, with proper ratio according to the new O/D.
The shade of green is dubious: light leaf green, but I consider to change it later if I don't get used to it, into a darker shade of BRG. The interior trim is beige, and it's in very good condition.
Also a LHD steering rack has been bought by me from TT Workshops, a pre-war BMW steering rack.
Being a clubmember was fulcral.
Jaap Koopmans from the Netherlnads was of tremendous help and support. He also gave me all the details on doing the LHD conversion, once he has done it to his Bristol 403. So, I have all the instructions for a correct proceedure on the later conversion.
Also the advice on the club site to buy the best I could find, leaving the restoration task to others was a precious information. I followed it strictly.
Next September I intend to join the Bristols to Bristol Run, as the "Lisbon to Bristol Run" (The Portuguese Invasion), alongside with more 3 or 5 Bristols and Bristol engined cars. We shall depart from Lisbon, and join the caravan in Portsmouth.
First weekend in September shall be in Switzerland, at the 24th Alfa Romeo Montreal International Meeting 2010. The 2009 Meeting was held in Portugal, and promoted by me. You may see the DVD's trailler following the link YouTube - Trailer - 23rd Alfa Romeo Montreal International Meeting
In June, I'll be joining a bunch of maniacs driving our classics from Lisbon to the Le Mans Classics.

Yours for longer engine roars,
(Rocket Roller)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 20-03-10, 10:43 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 9

congratulations - where can I find another and how long did this one take to find?

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 27-11-10, 10:10 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: York
Posts: 808

How about doing a RHD to LHD conversion USA style !

LHD to RHD made simple …. Kinda

And they got to the Moon ! or did they ....
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