Thread: 411 Series VI
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Old 12-11-08, 02:02 PM
browning l browning l is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: USA
Posts: 220

Is it absolutely certain that what was discussed in 2000, is the same as what BMC are now offering?

There is some indication that the early discussion involved selling completely newly-built 411 cars in 2000, some 24 years after production had ceased on the model, as opposed to taking existing 411s in 2008 and upgrading them to the customer's specification, which is the current offering.

If so, we are seeing horses of different colors.

By the way, Mr. Silverton will take your phone calls, although he's busy tomorrow taking a Fighter to the B'ham show for display at the Bristol Stand.

Last edited by browning l; 12-11-08 at 04:05 PM.
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