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Old 12-11-08, 11:52 PM
Kevin H Kevin H is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,170

Another obvious thing to look out for when buying a V8 Bristol (up to and incl 411/412) is the front suspension failure shown below.

Basically the weld holding the shock absorber turret has rusted and given way and at the bottom end the shock absorber mounting has broken. I know it all looks horrific but it can be repaired reasonably easily by a competent welder.

The final photo below shows the top end repair. We ground away all the old weld, realigned the turret part which passes through the crossmember. We had a a solid steel ring manufactured to fit snugly over the turret and welded that to the crossmember and the turret with continuous seams all the way around.

The bottom shock absorber brackets are available from Bristol Cars Services.

Be aware that the car may still drive quite well despite this damage, so be sure to inspect the suspension.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg 411_front_damper.jpg (20.4 KB, 177 views)
File Type: jpg 411_below_front_damper.jpg (18.8 KB, 167 views)
File Type: jpg 411_spring_turret.jpg (21.7 KB, 168 views)
File Type: jpg 411_spring_turret2.jpg (23.8 KB, 175 views)
File Type: jpg suspension_repair.jpg (70.1 KB, 192 views)
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