Bristol 400 rear axle gears
Thanks Ashley,
My axle had been quiet and very nice for some years. Then last month all of
a sudden lots of noise as I drove down our driveway. In looking it over more
carefully, there is not much wrong with the pinion bearings.
It seems that the pinion is not being held in place properly and moves.
In looking over your PDF files, the picture on page 26 appears very much
like mine, BUT I have only ONE distance washer were there are 2 shown.
The description on dissassembly talkes about split rings and other locking
devices that do not show up in the picture on page 26.
I have manuals and parts books of my own and they show regular straight
bearings. So I will make up some distance washers and I should be in
business. Will need a new oil seal and may make my own gaskets.
We were in the south of France in October on a brief visit from Italy, were
we regularly tour on our motorcycles. I look forwards to your news from
Norman Geeson.