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Old 11-08-13, 01:18 AM
Claude Claude is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 154

Originally Posted by paul410 View Post
Dear Everyone,

I inherited a Bristol 410 off my grandfather when I was 17. He had owned the car, since the early 70's and for forty years it has been stored in a garage and only taken out at weekends. Because of this the car is completely original and has never been restored.

During my ownership it has been sitting in a garage for 7 years and now before it deteriorates further I want to get the engine running and hopefully work towards getting it road legal.

First question is where can I get hold of a new battery for the car and what type of battery do it need? Also the tank is half full of seven year old fuel. Whats the best way of getting this out? Also do any of you have any further tips and advice you can give me?

Thanks Paul
A Bristol 410 uses a standard 12 V car battery. You can buy them everywhere. For draining fuel, you need a local juvenile delinquent to siphon it out. Or barring that, most of the cars have had an electric fuel pump installed, either in the wheel well or below the tank. You can gravity drain much of the fuel (since the tank is behind the rear seat back), and then with your new battery use the fuel pump to get the rest out.

However, the sorts of questions you are asking suggest you know very little about cars. You may be better off having the car towed to a local automotive repair shop and having them do these simple jobs and at the same time check the car over to make sure nothing more serious needs attention (such as the brakes having frozen after seven years). Either that, or find someone experienced, retired and willing to give you a hand.

Enjoy it! It's a great car.
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