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Old 12-10-13, 10:07 AM
flyinghorse1 flyinghorse1 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 40

My system is empty at present whilst I fit a new water pump so cant tell you whats normal ,but it does seem low from memory.
Have you checked the radiator cap? The system ought to run at a low pressure with any cooling medium expansion being lost out the relief in the radiator neck.

If you have no pressure rating on the cap/its weak old or leaking you will loose the full expansion of fluid from cold to hot and that may be giving you the level you see. A cap that holds a bit of pressure (4psi) will loose less water on a expansion cycle.
Also need to be running some antifreeze mix (I run 50/50).

I also like to see clear water/antifreeze draining from the small water tap on the block .

I took of each end plate and flushed my block through. If you take a stainless steel rod from a wiper blade in a drill to can clean the passages out well.

What temperature is the car running at as I guess this is the real issue? If its very hot you may need to check its not running retarded. I assume you have a cooling fan? Does it have a thermostat or is it one of the types that don't have one? Do you have a heater circuit?
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