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Old 27-10-13, 07:08 PM
Claude Claude is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 154

Originally Posted by John Keighley View Post
My 410 is approaching the stage where the windscreen - almost certainly original - is becoming difficult to see through when driving into the sun in the early or late part of the day due to pitting. Are windscreens available and are there any windscreens that are common between the 410 and other V8 Bristols? Any information than anyone can offer will br gratefully accepted.
John Keighley - Australia
If you look in the Bristol Type 408 MK II, 409 and 410 Car Illustrated Spares Handbook, you will see only one listing for for Windscreen Glass, Part number 409-1-66120. This suggests that it is the same for all three cars, and the 409 number generally means that is when the part came on stream. In this case, this is confusing, since the 408 Mk-II is expected to have the same part.

However, relying on a book when buying a windscreen is unwise. There are several experts in the UK, as mentioned by other replies to this post, and you would be well advised to ring them and just ask.

Question 1: Which models of Bristol shared the same windscreen with the 410? When you get this answer publish it here with sufficient keywords that the answer can be found years later (such as windscreen compatibility the same windscreen windshield fits Bristol Car models 408 409 410).
Question 2: Do you have one in stock?
Question 3: How much to ship to Australia?
Question 4: Do you have the fitting rubber in stock? If not, who has it?
Question 5: If I buy the windscreen from you, can you provide installation instructions so the apes at the glass place here don't break it?

After you get all five questioned answered, ring Pilkinton.
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