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Old 28-10-13, 12:13 AM
devadmin devadmin is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 18

Bear in mind Bristol only ever made about 8000 cars (up to say 1980), and with each new model they made less and less.

Unfortunately once Tony Crook took over the company, the number of cars produced became a closely guarded secret (no doubt because the numbers were declining), so we can only make assumptions from chassis numbers for the V8 cars. For example there were apparently only around 50 411 Series fives made.

I believe there are around 2000 Bristols left, and they are spread around the world, although the majority are in the UK.

There is certainly nothing to lose to putting a "wanted" notice on sites like this and in Bristol club newsletter. (There are several Bristol owners clubs around the world).

I found my own 411 S5 through a "wanted" advert in the Bristol Owners Club Australia monthly newsletter.
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