I'm 6 years into converting one and half parts car type 400's into a one off 400 convertible . The wings and bonnets were from other extinct 400's and of course nothing interchanges on these hand made cars .
The easy part was taking the angle grinder to the roof panel , the difficult jobs were designing the folding roof frame and cant rails (like the 402) .
Rather than wind up windows I've fabricated removable sliding side curtains .
It's been a interesting project which I hope will be finished by mid 2014 .
The cost will be well above the value of a better standard 400 with still the paint , trim & wiring to complete .
I would not recommend a project like this or a conversion of 405 to 405DH to anyone unless they have very deep pockets full of cash , then double your initial estimate .
But hopefully once it is on the road I'll have a smile and my financial pain will be forgotten .
There are two 405 saloons separately being converted to two door coupes in Melbourne /Australia . This is the car BAC should have made and it would have been the pick of the 6 cylinder models .