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Old 29-01-14, 04:08 AM
Ronald G. Stephenson Ronald G. Stephenson is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Posts: 188
Default Value of an old car-a serious consideration?

To some, yes. To most people who would just like to own any Bristol, no. Value on old things depends upon demand by collectors, and in the case of Bristols, a very tiny fraction of one percent of the car buying public even knows what a Bristol is. Those of us who have been lucky to own most of the cars they have dreamed of owning in our lives find Bristols, Pegassos, and Facel Vegas as some of the last ones we would like to have, and we continually seek them out. There are others, but we all have unique tastes, and we know that some will never come into our possession. The irony of all this is once you have found your prize, you discover that it is a disappointment. After more than 200 cars, I have yet to find the 'perfect' one. I continue to chase my dreams, which is what the old car hobby is all about.
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