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Old 12-11-14, 11:46 AM
peterg peterg is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 262

As far as I know there are no replacements for the original Vokes filter for the 401-3, except a few remainders in Australia. I think the 400 uses a different size filter as I have seen 400 filters listed but never the 401-3 (even though many more were built).

I bought an adaptor which fitted inside the housing that reversed the flow and used a Mercedes 180D filter. As Geoff said, you can never be certain of the internal seal. I think they are still available

Since then I have switched to a Flexolite filter converter and am happy with the result (especially as I have a life time supply of Ford Pinto filters). However, the adaptor doesn't look 'authentic' inside the engine compartment.
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