Copied your last Geoff and Geoff ! - thank you both and I have discussed the matter at some length with a very large - largest (?) filter supply specialist here in the UK and to his certain knowledge there are no longer any filters with the oil path that Bristol intended. One of the reasons is the rationalising of the filters on offer and although members have listed the original filter spec. nos. in fact one has a choice of about three different manufacturers still listing similar sized elements but ALL with the wrong flow path.
I was aware that the Vokes filter assembly was not fitted to the 400 but only to the later cars but this later mod. still looks 'Bristol - like' and contemporary in the way that a modern spin-on can never replicate. I do not wish to come across as being neurotic about originality but whilst filters and adapters are still available - as they are, having now sourced an adapter and an 8 year supply of the correct filters all guaranteed to be made by a specialist in the UK- I would wish to retain the albeit 'nearly original look' in the engine bay. Had I not secured this solution, I would of course have gone to a 'spin on' option. Tant pis!
A quick look at the 'AC Owners Club Forum' has been very informative and I am cheered at the lengths owners with 'Bristol/AC's' are prepared to go to maintain originality in their engine bays whilst still achieving first class oil filtration.
I accept that there may be gains with a modern 'spin off' in terms of better filtration but I am mindful that the 'Bristol' oil path was cleverly thought out because of the much smaller filtered area -centre to outside - and as I change the oil and filter on a very regular schedule based on mileage and time, I am confident that I am not jeopardising the longevity of the engine. There have been some serious internal failures of spin-off filters as so many now originate from parts of the world where labour is cheaper and cost cutting - quality(?) is prevalent.
In the same vein I have eschewed an alternator, elec. ignition, neg. earth, disc brakes, cast alloy wide section wheels and tyres and a few other modern but clearly visible 'goodies'.
Thanks to all