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Old 17-01-15, 09:40 PM
rkirk304 rkirk304 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Posts: 12
Default 340 Six Pack

I bought Andy's 408 last year.
It has needed some work on its steering and also the petrol tank. But the biggest issue has been its engine.
Luckily the 340 "six pack" is an object of great interest to Mopar nuts. With new inlet manifolds, pushrods and much work trying to get the carburetors right it now produces enormous amounts of power.
It is however a little corse, and doesn't like being smooth at 70mph, although pulls like a train beyond 100mph.
If anyone knows of good 313 or 318, I would be very interested in purchasing it. I live in the US, so shipping from Canada would be easy.
The 340 is quite valuable, and I have plenty of potential buyers for that.
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